Why Do I Need My Solar Panels Cleaned?
Dirty Panels Cost You Money!

Increase Your
Energy Production

Dirt and debris block panels from absorbing sunlight, causing up to 30% production loss.

Extend Your
System’s Lifespan

Regular cleaning prevents heavy soiling from causing permeant damage.

Protect Your
System’s Warranty

Most manufacturers require panels to be professionally cleaning at least once per year. 

Increase Your
Rate of Return

Producing more energy means less power is used from the grid. This lowers your utility cost and lets your system pay for itself. 

How Are Solar Panels Cleaned?

Our trained professionals safely access your roof to clean your panels with a water-fed pole brush using our four-stage water filtration system- aka the “Solar Beast”. Your solar panels will be spot-free and producing maximum energy in no time!

Don’t risk personal injury or permanent damage to your system trying to clean your panels yourself. Other options if you want more regular cleanings include automated solar panel cleaning.

Filtered Water

Using our four-stage water filtration “Solar Beast” system guarantees to leave a spot-free shine on your panels


Solar panels need gentle love and care while cleaning or maintaining them, so we are always careful and only use low pressure while cleaning. PRESSURE WASHING YOUR PANELS WILL CAUSE DAMAGE!

No Soaps or
Chemicals Used

Soaps and Chemicals leave a residue on solar panels that cause them to attracted dirt and debris quickly, and will usually void the manufacturer’s warranty.