How Often and Should Solar Panels Be Cleaned?

Solar panels are a great way to harness the power of the sun and convert it into electricity for your home or business. However, in order to ensure that your solar panels are working at their best and producing the most energy, it’s important to keep them clean. Dirt and debris will prevent the sun from reaching your solar panels and creating energy. So, the question is: how often should you be cleaning your solar panels in Ventura County, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Moorpark, Newbury Park and the surrounding areas? 

Why Should Solar Panels Be Cleaned?

The answer to this question can vary depending on your location and the conditions in which your solar panels are installed. In general, solar panels should be cleaned at least once every three to six months. This is because dust, dirt, and other debris can build up on the surface of the panels, reducing their ability to absorb sunlight and generate electricity.

If you live in an area with a lot of dust or pollution, or if your solar panels are installed near a construction site or other source of dirt and debris, you may need to clean them more often. In these cases, it may be a good idea to clean your solar panels once a month or even more frequently. Certain seasons may require more cleaning. Winter rains will leave water spots and other storm driven debris on solar panels. Fall and spring will leave dust, pollen, leaves and other blockades for sunlight to power your solar panels. 

Solar panels should be cleaned often to ensure they are operating at maximum efficiency. The frequency at which they need to be cleaned depends on a number of factors, including the location of the panels (e.g. whether they are in a dusty or sandy area), the angle at which the panels are installed (e.g. flat roof vs pitched roof), and the type of panel.

In general, solar panels that are installed in areas with high levels of dust and debris or are installed at a flat angle may need to be cleaned more frequently than those installed in cleaner environments or at a steeper angle.

How and when to have your solar panels cleaned

It is important to note that the best way to determine how often your solar panels need to be cleaned is to have our solar panel cleaning professionals come and inspect them. We will be able to assess the specific conditions and give you a more accurate idea of how often the panels need to be cleaned.

A proper cleaning method should always be used by utilizing the correct cleaning solution, preventing scratches and damage to the  solar panels during cleaning. Our professional solar panel cleaning team cleans with a water-fed pole brush using Four-Stage Filtered Water to leave solar panels spotless, Low Pressure Cleaning to gently clean and Zero Soaps/Chemicals

It’s a good idea to check the panels periodically for any signs of dirt or grime, and to call us at (805) 558-5373 or to schedule an appointment to clean them as needed. Some indication that panels need cleaning can be checking the output power regularly and in the case of decrease in the efficiency it could be because of dirty panels. Additionally, some solar panel owners choose to clean their panels on a regular schedule, such as every three months, as a preventative measure.

Weather can affect solar panel efficiency and cleanliness

Additionally, it’s important to keep an eye on the weather forecast and schedule your solar panel cleaning for a day when there is little to no chance of precipitation. Cleaning your solar panels when it’s raining or there is a risk of rain can be counterproductive as the rain may wash away some of the dirt, but also may bring other dirt, stains or even damage the solar panels itself.

Let our professional solar panel cleaning team keep you safe! Ensure you don’t damage your solar panels or void the warranty

It’s important to let our professionals clean your solar panels, as using the wrong cleaning method or cleaning solution can damage the panels or void the manufacturer’s warranty. When in doubt, consult the manufacturer’s instructions or hire a professional solar panel cleaning service.

If you’re not sure how often to clean your solar panels, it’s a good idea allow our professional solar panel cleaning service to assess your home or business for the best cleaning schedule and if possible an automated solar panel cleaning system. Overall, keeping your solar panels clean is an important step in ensuring that they are producing the most energy possible. Cleaning your solar panels regularly can ensure that your solar panels are working at their best and saving you money on your energy bills.